Understand China"s Democracy Through a Proposal for Invoice Reform
As a host coming from Kazakhstan who has lived and studied in China for 14 years, Ivan has heard the word "consultation" a lot, and found this word frequently used in the conversations about democracy and the broader politics. What is exactly the "democracy in China"? How are the businesses and the people involved in the "whole process democracy"? Do they find themselves relevant and engaged? With these questions in mind, our host Ivan has an interview with Li Minghua, member of the CPPCC, and Bian Jinping, expert from the CPPCC Expert Pool for the Deliberation and Administration of State Affairs. Ivan makes a field visit to China Telecom, a leading telecommunications company in the country, and exchanges insights with Harvey Dzodin, senior fellow from the Center for China & Globalization. Taking a deep dive into the conversations, Ivan finds that Chinese people are happy with the democracy in the country, because they not only engage in the extensive consultations on state affairs, but also exercise the right to vote in decision making. The sound institutional framework guarantees that the policymaking is in line with the will of society and for the good of people"s well-being. That"s how democracy works here in China.
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